
Palazzo del Podesta, Bologna

Built in the 13thcentury as the seat of the local government led by the Podesta and his judges, the Palazzo del Podesta on Piazza Maggiore hosts exhibitions and events regularly.

Built in the 13thcentury as the seat of the local government led by the Podesta and his judges, the Palazzo del Podesta on Piazza Maggiore hosts exhibitions and events regularly. The Renaissance façade and the Campanazzo behind it were added in the 15thcentury. The double open arcade on the lower floor, known as the Voltone del Podestà, has 2 lanes of shops, along with Lombardi's terracotta statues of the town's patron saints - San Petronio, San Procolo, San Domenico and San Francesco.
















About Palazzo del Podesta

 Piazza Maggiore, 1, 40124 Bologna, Italy

 +39 051 239660


Palazzo del Podesta and Nearby Sights on Map

Piazza Maggiore

At the heart of Bologna lies the beautiful and vibrant square of Piazza Maggiore, surrounded by historic buildings that transport you back to a medieval city

Fountain of Neptune

The centerpiece of Piazza del Nettuno, adjoining Piazza Maggiore is the gorgeous marble and bronze Fountain of Neptune, designed by Giambologna in Mannerist style

Piazza del Nettuno

Adjoining the Piazza Maggiore is the Piazza del Nettuno, best known for the monumental Fountain of Neptune on it

Basilica di San Petronio

Dedicated to Saint Petronius, the Bishop of Bologna in the 5thcentury, the Basilica of San Petronio is the main church in the city

Palazzo d'Accursio

Originally built in the 13thcentury as the residence of jurist Accursio da Bagnolo, the Palazzo d'Accursio on Piazza Maggiore was used as the Town Hall till 2008

Biblioteca Salaborsa

Housed in the northern part of the Palazzo d'Accursio skirting the Piazza del Nettuno, the Biblioteca Salaborsa is Bologna's main public library

Museo Civico Archeologico

Housed in the 15th century Palazzo Galvani, the Archaeological Civic Museum of Bologna showcases one of the most important archaeological collections in Italy, with a rich assembly of Etruscan artifacts

Bologna Cathedral

Dedicated to Saint Peter, the Bologna Cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop of Bologna

Santa Maria della Vita Bologna

The epitome of Baroque art in Bologna, the Church of Santa Maria della Vita was founded in the 13thcentury by the Congregation of Battuti, also known as Flagellati

Archiginnasio of Bologna

The Archiginnasio of Bologna was the main building of the University of Bologna from 1563 to 1805, and has been the seat of the Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio, the largest library in Emilia-Romagna, since 1839